Vol. 10 (2021)
Effective Communication Teamwork and Leadership with Soft Skills
Abstract View: 2,
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Siri’ dan Pesse’: Pembentuk Nilai dan Identiti Melayu Bugis
Abstract View: 5,
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Perbandingan Pelaksanaan Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) dalam Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Islam Menurut Al-Qabisi dan Benjamin Samuel Bloom
Abstract View: 21,
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Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab berasaskan Sistem Jadual: Pengalaman di Management and Science University
Abstract View: 4,
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Performance Analysis of College Student Leadership Skills During Covid-19 Through Online Extra-Curricular Activities
Abstract View: 2,
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Fenomena Pusing Ganti Kerja: Faktor Luaran yang Mempengaruhi Pekerja Meninggalkan Organisasi
Abstract View: 5,
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Disaster Information Seeking During Disaster: A Survey on How Public Use National Disaster Management Agency Malaysia’s (NADMA) Social Media
Abstract View: 3,
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The Effect of Speech Act of Promising in Communication in Jouf University - A Case Study
Abstract View: 1,
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Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Sosial dan Kecerdasan Spiritual dengan Kepuasan Kerja: Satu Kajian Rintis
Abstract View: 10,
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Validity and Reliability of the Tromso Social Intelligence Scale (TSIS): A Study of Malaysian Teachers
Abstract View: 8,
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Penggunaan Strategi Komunikasi Berdasarkan Bahasa Ibunda Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing di Malaysia
Abstract View: 9,
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Cyberloafing Behavior and Its Effects Towards Academic Achievement Among Students in Higher Education Institution
Abstract View: 9,
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