Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) is a refereed journal published by the Center for Communication Technology and Human Development, UniMAP. The main objective of JoHDeC is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. JoHDeC aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in humanities and social science and become the leading journal in social science in the world. The journal publishes research papers in the fields of Operation Management, Strategic Management, Technology Management, Communication and Languages, ICT, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Technopreneur, Co-curriculum Education, Culture, Literature and Arts, Civilization and Religions, Psychology and Sociology, Occupational Health and Safety, Soft Skills and Leadership, Values and Patriotism and so on. The journal is published in online versions. JoHDeC publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical and notes. Special Issues devoted to important topics in humanities and social science will occasionally be published. Entrepreneurship innovation and research strategies, tactics and tools of both theoretical and practical nature are welcome.</p> en-US (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shuhairimi Abdullah) (Norhanim Hashim) Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF ACADEMICS IN HIGHER EDUCATION: A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW <p>Various studies have already been conducted on the issue of psychological well-being of individuals. Unfortunately, most of the previous studies were not conducted from the perspective of academics in higher education. Therefore, the present study examined a considerable number of previous studies on the psychological well-being of academics in the context of higher education. The design of the study is a systematic literature review. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) were applied for selection, screening and reporting. The Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), Science Direct and Google Scholar databases were used for this systematic literature review of quantitative and qualitative research published between 2018 and 2022. Based on nine studies, there are three themes related to the psychological well-being of academics, including work-family conflict, workload and teaching-research role. Consequently, further research is needed to better identify the psychological well-being of academics.</p> Azlini Hassan, Ummi Naiemah Saraih, Ain Zuraini Zin Aris Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 EXPLORING FACEBOOK USER RESPONSE TO COVID-19 VACCINATION PROGRAMME WITH SENTIMENT ANALYSIS AND TOPIC MODELLING <p>In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Malaysian government has implemented the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme. However, little research has been published on the perceptions of Malaysians regarding the vaccination programme. This study aims to (1) analyse the sentiment analysis of Facebook user perceptions using a Support Vector Machine and (2) identify the topics associated with the introduction of a COVID-19 vaccination programme in Malaysia for each sentiment. Facepager software was used to retrieve all vaccine-related comments. The R software was subsequently utilised for data cleaning and analysis. A linear Support Vector Machine regression model was used to classify the data into negative, neutral, and positive sentiments through sentiment analysis. To accomplish community detection in semantic network analysis and identify the topics for each sentiment, a clustering technique based on the Louvain method was employed. From a total of 5055 comments, 3269 (64.62%) are categorised as negative, followed by 1068 (21.11%) as positive, and 722 (14.27%) as neutral sentiment. The most discussed topics for negative-, positive- and neutral-sentiment were the negative effects of vaccines (74.9%), concern on vaccine adverse effects (69.0%), and lack of confidence (53.1%), respectively. The study findings can aid the local government and agencies to timely address public concern on COVID-19 vaccines.</p> Shahrul Aiman Soelar, Nurakmal Ahmad Mustaffa, Noor Amalina Mat Yusof, Mohd Azri Mohd Suan Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PRINSIP PEMERINTAHAN DALAM ISLAM MENURUT MUHAMMAD ASAD <p>This paper discusses Muhammad Asad’s work on the principle of Islamic governance and its basic constitution and foundational structure. In this regard, he formulated the constitutional ideas of Islamic state whose constitution contains the provision of Islamic law that practiced and implement the norms stated in the Qur’an and hadith. This idea was partly enshrined in the Pakistan constitutional law whose political establishment was formed in 1947. It essentially discussed Muhammad Asad’s political ideas and its underlying philosophy as espoused in his works, such as The principles of state and government in Islam, This law of ours and other essays, Islamic constitution making, journal Arafat, The message of the Qur’an, Sahih al-Bukhari the early years of Islam and, etcetera. The study is based on qualitative methods in the form of library research. The data were analysed using descriptive, analytical and comparative methods. The finding shows that Muhammad Asad had formulated comprehensive theoretical framework of legal aspect of Islamic governance based on the fundamental principle and doctrine of the shariah, derived from the teaching of the Qur’an and the sunnah, while advocating democratic ideals and system based on conventional practice and requirement of modern context of nation state.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Makalah ini membincangkan karya seminal Muhammad Asad tentang prinsip pemerintahan Islam dan struktur dasar dan asas-asas konstitusionalnya. Dalam hal ini, beliau telah merumuskan idea-idea keperlembagaan tentang negara Islam yang konstitusinya mengandungi peruntukan-peruntukan syariah yang menerapkan norma-norma yang tercatat dalam al-Qur’an dan hadith. Idea ini sebahagiannya dimasyhurkan dalam undang-undang dasar Pakistan pada bahagian pengantarnya yang pentadbiran politiknya dibentuk pada 1947. Kertas ini pada asasnya membahaskan idea-idea politik Muhammad Asad dan landas falsafahnya yang diungkapkan dalam karya-karyanya, seperti The principles of state and government in Islam, This law of ours and other essays, Islamic constitution making, journal Arafat, The message of the Qur’an, Sahih al-Bukhari the early years of Islam dan lain-lain. Kajian ini dirangka berasaskan metode kualitatif dari jenis tinjauan pustaka dan dokumenter. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif, analitik, dan komparatif. Temuan kajian menunjukkan bahawa Muhammad Asad telah merumuskan kerangka teoretikal yang komprehensif tentang aspek-aspek perundangan dan hukum yang terpakai dalam negara Islam berasaskan prinsip dan doktrin shariah yang fundamental, yang diambil dari keterangan al-Qur’an dan sunnah, sementara dalam masa yang sama turut mengadvokasikan ideal-ideal demokratik dan pendirian sistem multilateral berasaskan praktik konvensional dalam konteks negara bangsa yang moden.</p> Tasnim Abdul Rahman, Ahmad Nabil Amir Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 DISRUPTIONS OF COVID 19 PANDEMIC ON ENGLISH LITERACY <p>Illiteracy, which is the inability to read and write can limit individuals' opportunities, r educe their quality of life, societies, and economies. Given the recent pandemic, movement control order was enforced at various phases due to COVID 19 and impacted learning due to school closures. This study aims to identify the impact of COVID 19 on English Literacy Among Primary School Students. A total of 800 students from 46 primary schools participated in this study. The students were selected based o n the teachers’ class observation and reading evaluation. A literacy test consisting of six literacy s kill was conducted individually by language teachers. Findings on literacy skills one to level six revealed that literacy skill two to six are alarming , suggesting il literacy i s rising . In conclusion, intervention is direly needed to uphold the good literacy record. The implication of the study is to warn on the rising of illiteracy at alarming rate due to Covid 19 quarantine. Further research is recommended to other population in describing how the pandemic has affected English literacy in different region s and countries.</p> Ina Suryani, Nazifah, Nor Hanim Awang @ Mohd Noor, Noazli Abu Bakar, Mariam Idris, Nor Khairi Ahmad Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 WAS THE TRAVEL BUBBLE A SUCCESSFUL IDEA? INVESTIGATION OF MUSLIM-FRIENDLY BUDGET HOTELS IN LANGKAWI <p>During COVID-19 pandemic, various tourism activities were banned to prevent the widespread of the virus. Travel restrictions had a negative impact on the tourism sector. To save the travel industry, the Travel Bubble program was initiated in some destinations. In Malaysia, Langkawi Island was chosen as the pilot Travel Bubble program which started on September 16, 2021. This study aims to investigate the impact of the Travel Bubble, particularly on Muslim-friendly budget hotels, in two situations: during and one and a half years after the launching of Travel Bubble program. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was conducted with seven Muslim-friendly Budget Hotel managers. The findings revealed that the Travel Bubble program was initially helping boost the tourism sector. However, it only benefits several hotels, while others are still struggling. This research highlights the need to promote Muslim-friendly budget hotels’ survival. It contributes to national and local planning, particularly in the tourism sector in Langkawi.</p> Noor Amalina Mat Yusof, Rozila Ahmad, Asmahany Ramely, Nurhazani Mohd Shariff, Shahrul Aiman Soelar Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY <p>This research is designed to investigate the usage of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare Technology Management and to present its impacts on Employee Engagement among healthcare workers. The fast growth of data in healthcare has created an ideal environment for the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Healthcare workers have experienced a paradigm shift brought on by Artificial Intelligence, which promises to increase the quality of services provided. This research ID of: RSCH ID-22-05617-MT2 under National Medical Research Registration under protocol: Protocol UniMAP TIOHTMUAIFEE.</p> Ezekiel Anthony, Norshahrizan Nordin, Wei Chern Ang Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 SAFETY KNOWLEDGE – A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW <p>Safety is an imperative element within organisations, including the manufacturing industry in Malaysia, and prioritising safety knowledge is essential for establishing a secure working environment. This paper provides a comprehensive review of current research on safety knowledge, specifically focusing on the influential factors, given that this predictor has received serious attention in the occupational safety literature in manufacturing organisations. The review discusses the concept of safety knowledge, factors influencing safety knowledge and gaps in the literature in previous studies. The final section of the paper offers a discussion on potential avenues for future research and concludes with insights pertinent to this study’s findings.</p> Nur Shazliaida Shaidan, Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Kassim, Ummi Naiemah Saraih, Mohd Fitri Mansor, Muhammad Safizal Abdullah, Wan Mashumi Wan Mustafa Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPACT OF BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS ON WORK ENGAGEMENT AMONG MALAYSIAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES ACADEMICS <p>This study focuses on the public universities’ academics work engagement levels based on the individual personality traits that influences them. It is believed that individual personality has a credentials to a person’s attitude or features, which most of the time, being influenced by internal and external factors. Thus, in this study context, researchers’ intented to test academics’ personality while their engaging with their tasks. This study executed in Malaysia context, survey tested on 147 participants or said 147 academics. The participation indicates 64% of responses. Later, the responses of questionnaires were coded thru SPSS version 26. There are six analyses were executed in this study, namely descriptive analysis, normality analysis, reliability tests, Pearson correlation analysis, simple regression analysis and also multiple regression analysis. Results shows that Big Five personality model are interrelated and correlated with work engagement which aligned with previous studies, except for agreeableness personality that been contradicted with past research in this study context. There is high possibility due to various situational issues, such as in aspect of sampling method or misinterpretation by respondents. Moreover, this study tends to be a contribution to literature and stepping stone for more outcomes. Future studies were proposed.</p> Siti Balkis Mohamed Ibrahim, Nur Qurratul’ Aini Ismail, Nazra Aliff Nazri, Nurhidayah Marzuki@Yahaya, Faiz Masnan, Nur Hafifa Iswati Ishak, Rohaiza Mohamad Idaris Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE HEALTHCARE IN MALAYSIA: UNVEILING ESSENTIAL DETERMINANTS <p>The need for a sustainable healthcare system in Malaysia has become more pressing due to the growing demand for healthcare services and changing societal requirements. This urgency is driven by the goals set under Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3), to be achieved by 2030. Malaysia faces significant challenges in its healthcare sector, closely linked to this global issue. The sustainability of healthcare services is intricately tied to the relationship of social support, cultural factors, and economic changes. Therefore, constructing resilient healthcare systems capable of withstanding unforeseen challenges, such as pandemics, necessitates a comprehensive approach that takes into account these multifaceted factors. This paper aims to introduce a conceptual framework centered around social support, cultural factors, and economic changes in the context of healthcare sustainability in Malaysia. This framework emphasizes the importance of robust social support systems, cultural competence, and economic adaptability in ensuring healthcare service sustainability. This study sheds light on the pivotal determinants of healthcare service sustainability, aligning with the objectives of SDG3. It highlights the urgent need for policy reforms, cross-sector collaboration, and economic alignment to effectively address these multifaceted challenges and ensure the achievement of healthy lives and well-being for all.</p> Wan Zulia Zafini Wan Zulkifli, Norshahrizan Nordin, Ehab Aktham Kassab Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 IMPROVING AQUISITION OF BUSINESS VOCABULARY USING TABOO WORD GAME <p>Methods of teaching vocabulary in an ESL context are highly debatable and implicit. Having for-mal lesson or solely focusing on providing meaning and examples are among the conundrums that language educators must face. Thus, language game is commendable as it allows the students to practice or utilize the knowledge that they acquired in a non-traditional and interesting way. This study explores the effectiveness of Taboo Word Game (TWG) in improving business vocabulary of 23 private college students in one of the private colleges in Malaysia. It also explored students’ experiences in using TWG in learning business vocabulary and reports on the pre-post-tests results. Comparison of mean scores on both pre and post-tests was done are reported. The findings revealed that TWG helped to improve students’ vocabulary competency. The implication on vocabulary teaching is that even at the college level, games should be incorporated to boost students learning needs and preferences.</p> Aizan Yaacob, Mathevan Narayanan, Ina Suryani, Patricia Michael, Yulianeta Yulianeta Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 TOLERANCE AND CARING: STRENGTHENING STUDENTS' SOCIAL CHARACTER TO REALIZE SOCIETY 5.0 <p>The transformation towards society 5.0 is often characterized by people's behavior in digital public spaces causing widespread public unrest. This qualitative study aims to highlight, explore, and analyze the social character of people on social media who are less tolerant and caring. This study relies on secondary data from literature studies and online news. The finding is that there is a phenomenon of weakness in the social character of individuals and communities who tend to be intolerant and uncaring in digital public spaces. The habit of posting content or creating statuses that are abusive, threatening, intimidating, and behavior that spreads hoax news, hate speech, and flexing. Weak social character has implications for people's habits of spreading news too quickly without caring about other people. Apart from that, the digital technology revolution brings a sense of comfort and entertainment, and anyone can express themselves on social media. Unfortunately, technological progress is not accompanied by the development of critical-analytical thinking skills. As a result, individual society behavior is too responsive-reactive in the digital space without thinking about the further impacts that might arise. This has had negative implications for social cohesion and relations and even legal issues. This study recommends strengthening social character with strategies for strengthening individual critical-analytical thinking abilities through education at school. It is hoped that individuals who have been coached, trained, and accustomed to being tolerant and caring at school can become citizens of society 5.0 who are wise in using social media. In this way, it is hoped that a high level of tolerant and socially caring character will be realized so that the ideals of a prosperous, civilized, and progressive society 5.0 will become a reality.</p> Adison Adrianus Sihombing Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 TOWARDS POSITIVE PEACE: MALAYSIA'S STRIDES IN WELL-FUNCTIONING GOVERNMENT AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <p>Well-functioning Government (WFG) describes how countries are directed, controlled, and held accountable. Hence, a country implementing well-functioning government principles and practices will lead to success and peace. The WFG is one of the pillars of positive peace introduced by the Institute for Peace and Economics (IEP). Therefore, this study will explore how WFG, as the pillar of positive peace, influenced the Malaysian economy. The main objective of this research is to explore the concept of WFG as a pillar of peace and its characteristics practised in the Malaysian economy. This study employed generic qualitative analysis and reviewed past research on good governance practices in Malaysia. The content analysis has been undertaken for this study. The attributes discussed, including political stability, sound economic policies, efficient governance and regulation, investment in human capital, and fiscal responsibility, collectively contribute to Malaysia's enduring economic resilience and growth trajectory. It fosters peace by cultivating social harmony, equity, and sustainable development. In addition, this approach contributes to Malaysia's overall well-being and advancement since it facilitates a peaceful and prosperous society.</p> Hafizah Abdul Rahim, Asmak Ab Rahman Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 APLIKASI PANDUAN PENYUNTINGAN BUKU AGAMA TERHADAP EDITOR BAHASA MELAYU DI MALAYSIA <p>The actions of the editors in implementing the religious book editing guidelines while carrying out their editorial tasks are still unknown, giving rise to questions about the editing practices they employ on Malay-language religious books. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analyze the editing practices employed by editors of Malay-language religious books in Malaysia. Additionally, the production of religious literature must not be done arbitrarily and should be based on the true teachings of Islam according to the Quran and Hadith. This study adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing a questionnaire in the form of 'Google Forms' to gather the perspectives of editors regarding the application of editing practices in religious book editing. Eight editors were selected from two publishing companies that specialize in religious books, namely Telaga Biru Sdn Bhd and Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). The findings of the study indicate that the majority agree with the necessary editing practices for publishing religious books, as they contribute to shaping individuals with good character, fostering good interpersonal relationships, and improving work organization.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Tindakan para editor dalam mengaplikasikan panduan penyuntingan buku agama semasa menjalankan tugas editorial masih tidak diketahui lalu menimbulkan persoalan tentang amalan penyuntingan yang dilaksanakan oleh mereka terhadap buku agama berbahasa Melayu. Oleh itu, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan mengenal pasti dan menganalisis amalan penyuntingan yang diterapkan oleh para editor buku agama berbahasa Melayu di Malaysia. Tambahan pula, penghasilan naskhah-naskhah bacaan berkaitan ilmu agama tidak boleh dilakukan sewenang-wenangnya dan perlu berlandaskan ajaran agama Islam yang benar mengikut al-Quran dan Hadis. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menggunakan instrumen borang soal selidik berbentuk ‘Google Forms’ bagi mendapatkan pandangan para editor terhadap aplikasi amalan penyuntingan buku agama semasa menjalankan tugas. Seramai lapan orang editor telah dipilih masing-masing daripada dua buah syarikat penerbitan buku yang menerbitkan buku-buku berkategori agama iaitu Telaga Biru Sdn Bhd dan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan majoriti bersetuju terhadap amalan penyuntingan buku agama yang perlu dipatuhi bagi menerbitkan buku-buku agama di samping mampu untuk membentuk individu yang memiliki peribadi yang baik, hubungan baik sesama manusia, dan berupaya untuk melaksanakan kerja dengan lebih teratur.</p> Khairul Anwar Zambrishah, Mohamad Suhaizi Suhaimi Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 CENSORSHIP, PSYCHOLOGICAL REACTANCE AND CREATIVITY: FIVE COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES FOR DESIGNING COMMUNITY GUIDELINES <p>This study explores how to design community guidelines by reducing the audience’s psychological reactance in order to build a polite and secure online community as well as to promote the community creativity. The study first explains why we need community guidelines, as an explicit and formal form of censorship. Then censorship is defined to prove that community guidelines in nature are an essential construct of society that cannot be categorized simply as a destructive or repressive force. After that, psychological reactance theory is introduced in relation to censorship and the framing of creativity is clarified in order to make the statement that it is the psychological reactance elicited by censorship that could hinder creativity, not censorship itself. Because of the negative effects brought by psychological reactance to creativity, five specific communication strategies are proposed to offer practical advice on how to make an online community more creative through the way censorship is presented: (1) reduce the use of high-controlling language; (2) add restoration postscripts; (3) increase message novelty; (4) include narrative; (5) improve clarity of request. In addition, limitations of this project are illustrated and suggestions for further validating and improving the strategies are discussed.</p> Qinqin Liu Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ADAPTASI MODEL KESEJAHTERAAN DIGITAL UNESCO DAN UTAUT2 LANJUTAN: KAJIAN KESEJAHTERAAN DIGITAL TERHADAP BELIA DI MALAYSIA <p>The development of information and communication technology (ICT) accelerates the process of adapting to digital life. Digital practices and behaviors in life have significant impact both positively and negatively. However, digital media users are always exposed to cybersecurity threats that undermine their digital wellbeing. This paper focuses on the relationship between cybersecurity, media and information literacy (MIL), digital literacy, and digital readiness towards the digital wellbeing of youth in Malaysia. This framework combines the advanced version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the UNESCO Digital Wellbeing Framework. The proposed methodology for this study is a quantitative method using an online questionnaire with respondents selected through simple random sampling. The study's results are expected to determine the level of digital wellbeing among Malaysian youth in particular. In addition, this study also predicts the variables that influence the digital wellbeing of youth. The results of this study provide theoretical implications for the combination of the UTAUT2 theory and the holistic nine-dimensional digital wellbeing framework. In addition, the results of this study can provide input to stakeholders to empower cyber safety advocacy programs, digital literacy education, and the development of youth digital talents.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) mempercepatkan proses mengadaptasi digital dalam kehidupan. Amalan dan tingkah laku digital dalam kehidupan memberikan impak yang signifikan secara positif dan negatif. Namun, pengguna media digital sentiasa terdedah kepada ancaman keselamatan siber yang menjejaskan kesejahteraan digital penggunanya. Kertas kerja ini memberikan fokus kepada hubungan pemboleh ubah keselamatan siber, literasi maklumat dan media (MIL), literasi digital serta kesediaan digital terhadap kesejahteraan digital belia di Malaysia. Rangka kerja ini menggabungkan aliran teori Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) versi lanjutan dan Rangka Kerja Kesejahteraan Digital-UNESCO. Cadangan metadologi kajian ini adalah kaedah kuantitatif menggunakan soal selidik secara dalam talian terhadap responden yang dipilih secara persampelan rawak mudah. Hasil kajian dijangkakan dapat mengetahui tahap kesejahteraan digital belia Malaysia khususnya. Selain itu, kajian ini juga meramalkan pemboleh ubah yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan digital belia. Hasil kajian ini memberikan implikasi teoritikal kepada gabungan teori UTAUT2 dan kesejahteraan digital sembilan dimensi yang holistik. Selain itu, hasil kajian ini juga dapat memberikan input kepada pihak berkepentingan untuk memperkasakan program advokasi keselamatan siber, pendidikan literasi digital dan pembangunan bakat digital belia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Abdul Rahman Abdul Manaf, Mohammad Rezal Hamzah, Habee Bullah Affandy Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 INNOVATIVE WORK BEHAVIOR IN THE MALAYSIAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY: WHAT REALLY MATTERS? <p>Employees' innovative work behaviors (IWB) are essential for the organization as a whole to achieve high development and a competitive advantage in the market. Every firm must develop its system for boosting its employees' IWB as part of subsequent planning to attain the goal, particularly through HRM practices. We might have less information about which practices matter or how much they will correlate with IWB, but existing literature proves that they can have a significant impact on employees' IWB. The current study, therefore, addresses two aspects of HRM: training and development and rewards, to determine which aspect is most helpful in predicting an employee's IWB. The best HRM practices for boosting IWB should also be identified, along with the theoretical justifications for these methods and the relationship between HRM practices and IWB. We used a questionnaire survey to gather information from 170 employees of a manufacturing company in Penang, Malaysia, in order to analyze this research. The connections between all variables were examined using SPSS. In this study, the means for each variable were also presented. According to this research, a high mean indication with the values of μ=4.74 for rewards, μ=4.36 for training and development, and μ=4.70 for rewards IWB was found. The highest correlation between IWB and training and development was found in the Pearson correlation data (r=.362, p=.000), followed by rewards (r=.767, p=.000). The study's conclusions can help human resource practitioners design an HRM system that promotes inventive employee behavior and fosters an innovative workplace.</p> Ummi Naiemah Saraih, Hanim Hamdan, Tiffany Tijang Sim, Junaid Ansari, Mohd Hazmuni Saidin, Nur Syafiqah A. Rahim Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PATH OF NATIONALISM IN THE FORMATION OF MALAYSIAN POLITICS <p>The concept of nationalism is said to have existed in the 12th century, however, this ideology only emerged as an influential political ideology in the 19th century when some colonies began to demand independence from the colonialists. Scholars of western political thought consider the year 1648 to be the turning point for the presence of nationalism as a political ideology. This was evidenced in that year by an agreement that brought an end to the 30 -year war in Europe which had implications for the birth of the nation -state concept. The treaty was the Treaty of Westphalia, in which the treaty did not affect the rights of a nation-state, and national sovereignty (Baradat; 1984). This survey study was conducted to examine the journey of nationalists in Malaysia as well as the conflicts that occurred in the formation of Malaysians through several previous studies. The results of this study can be used as a reference to determine the best concept to discuss the aspects of nationalism in Malaysia.</p> Ku Hasnan Ku Halim, Shuhairimi Abdullah, Ahmad Mujahid Ahmad Zaidi Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) Mon, 17 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000