Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) 2024-04-01T01:58:33+00:00 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shuhairimi Abdullah Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) is a refereed journal published by the Center for Communication Technology and Human Development, UniMAP. The main objective of JoHDeC is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. JoHDeC aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in humanities and social science and become the leading journal in social science in the world. The journal publishes research papers in the fields of Operation Management, Strategic Management, Technology Management, Communication and Languages, ICT, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Technopreneur, Co-curriculum Education, Culture, Literature and Arts, Civilization and Religions, Psychology and Sociology, Occupational Health and Safety, Soft Skills and Leadership, Values and Patriotism and so on. The journal is published in online versions. JoHDeC publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical and notes. Special Issues devoted to important topics in humanities and social science will occasionally be published. Entrepreneurship innovation and research strategies, tactics and tools of both theoretical and practical nature are welcome.</p> ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP AND WELL-BEING: A REVIEW OF THE ROLE OF TRUST, LOVE EXPRESSION, COMMITMENT 2024-03-27T07:56:43+00:00 Ping Hooi Teoh Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim Suzanna Awang Bono <p>While there is consensus that romantic relationships are important for personal growth and can potentially lead to positive emotions including happiness. Limited studies have looked at the specific mechanisms in which the relationship can contribute to well-being. This review is part of the attempt to further understand how romantic relationships can contribute to well-being by focusing on specific elements of the relationships namely trust, love expression, and commitment. Trust, love expression and commitment are arguably key aspects about romantic relationships that contribute well-being and therefore become the key focus in this review. A total of 48 studies were included in this review. This review emphasizes the importance of romantic relationships for well-being and highlights the role of trust, love expression, and commitment as key elements that should be focused on by future research in this area. In addition, this paper also discusses two Social Exchange Theory and PERMA as main theoretical framework in explaining the relationships between romantic relationships and well-being and the role of trust, love expression and emotions as elements in romantic relationships. This review highlights the need for more studies to look at these aspects from a bigger picture and to include sample from broader cultural context.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES AND FLOURISHING AMONG ELDERLY: A REVIEW 2024-03-27T08:02:10+00:00 Wei-Peng Liew Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim Masarah Mohamad Yusof <p>Flourishing is a state of optimal mental well-being associated with the experience of doing and living well across all aspects of life, including psychological and social. Flourishing is important and beneficial throughout a life span including late adulthood. Yet, studies on flourishing among elderly especially from a heterogeneous culture such as Malaysia are still limited. Socio-demographic variables (such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, source of income and education attainment) can be key variables that contribute to flourishing among elderly. This paper reviews previous studies on this topic and found that ethnicity, marital status, income, and education attainment are significantly related to well-being and flourishing. The implications of the review on future research and practice are discussed.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) FRIENDSHIP MAINTENANCE BEHAVIOUR BASED ON WORKING POSITION AND MARITAL STATUS AMONG WORKING WOMEN IN MALAYSIA 2024-04-01T00:50:01+00:00 Nur Salimah Alias Intan Hashimah Mohd Hashim Mohd Haizzan Yahaya <p>Nowadays, friend play an important role in women’s life especially with the consideration that more women are working and not only rely on family for social supports. This research examined impact of working position and marital status on friendship maintenance behavior among working women in Malaysia, particularly on how women maintained their friendship based on the position of working and marital status. This study conducted using a survey involving 500 women who work at public university in Malaysia. Data was collected using the Friendship Maintenance Scale. The data collection procedure involved three steps, beginning with preparation of the instrument, then obtaining approval from related organizations, followed by online data collection via email. The collected data were analysed using SPSS 23 and the data were interpreted using descriptive analyses. The findings of the study found that women have different behavior on how they maintained their friendship based on position of working and marital status. The findings of this study contributed to the developments of literatures regarding women’s friendship especially for better understanding regarding the nature of friendship among working women in Malaysia. A better understanding of the nature could provide a suitable social support for maintaining working women relationships as well as their psychological well-being.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION AND SELF-ESTEEM AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN MALAYSIA 2024-04-01T00:54:20+00:00 Chin Wei Yi Yasmin Ahmad <p>Self-esteem can greatly influence one's emotional well-being, behavior, and interactions with others. It can range from high self-esteem, where individuals have a positive and healthy view of themselves, to low self-esteem, where individuals may have feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a negative self-perception. Social media usage can have a negative impact on one's self-esteem, however, it can also potentially have a positive effect. This research is conducted to identify the level of social media addiction among university students and the relationship between social media addiction and self-esteem among university students. There are 384 respondents who were selected using simple random sampling techniques among university students in Malaysia. The findings show that the level of social media addiction among university students in Malaysia is high and it shows that there is a significant relationship between social media addiction and self-esteem among university students.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) THE EFFECT OF SENSE OF PURPOSE, SOCIAL CONNECTION, AND SELF-ESTEEM ON MEANINGFUL WORK 2024-04-01T00:57:11+00:00 Mursyidi Mohammad Khairun Nisa’ Khairuddin Ummi Naiemah Saraih <p>Meaningful work has gained increasing attention due to dissatisfaction with job demands and a search for purpose. Drawing on extensive prior research, this study explores the significance of a sense of purpose, social connection, and self-esteem in meaningful work. The researcher's approach combines a thorough review of past research to establish a robust foundation by administering questionnaires to 309 participants. Rigorous statistical analysis was then employed to reveal the intricate relationships between these psychological factors and the perception of meaningful work. Individuals with a sense of purpose tend to find their work imbued with meaning, providing direction to their daily lives. Additionally, positive correlations emerge between social support, pro-social behaviours, and meaningful work experience. Conversely, underemployed individuals tend to report fewer interactions with co-workers. This research underscores the central roles of sense of purpose, social connection, and self-esteem in shaping perceptions of meaningful work. Insights gained from this study can inform strategies to enhance meaningful work experiences and promote well-being in the workplace.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) REINVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF GROSS DOMESTIC SAVINGS, EXCHANGE RATES, AND NATIONAL DEBT ON MILITARY EXPENDITURE IN MALAYSIA 2024-04-01T01:04:48+00:00 Amri Sulong Mohd Shahidan Shaari Hafizah Abdul Rahim <p>This study uses the ARDL method to explore how national debt relates to military expenditure, considering both short and long timeframes. In the short term, the research finds that changes in national debt don't strongly impact military expenditure right away. Interestingly, a stronger national currency is associated with lower short-term military expenditure. Additionally, higher domestic savings positively affect military expenditure in the short term, highlighting the role of local resources. In the long term, the study shows that all considered factors such as national debt, exchange rates, and domestic savings are positively contributed to military expenditure. This suggests that over time, increases in these factors are linked to higher military expenditure. Overall, the study highlights the complex connections between national debt, economic factors, and military expenditure, offering insights into both immediate and long-term influences on defense budget choices.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) THE DEVELOPMENT AND FEASIBILITY TESTING OF LEARNER-PACED DIGITAL VIDEO COURSEWARE 2024-04-01T01:08:49+00:00 Wan Nor Ashiqin Wan Ali Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahaya <p>Since the COVID-19 epidemic across the world happen, educators are enthusiastic to use technology to aid students in their learning. The young adults specifically the university students are becoming more and more dependent on digital technology thanks to simple access through technology devices. The learning environments among university students are drastically change due to the COVID-19 epidemic which has highlighted the importance of digital video in teaching and learning. This paper aims to highlight the development of digital video learning courseware and the findings of its pilot testing. Researcher conducted pilot testing in investigating the use of digital video and its effects on students’ knowledge achievement, computational thinking (CT) self-efficacy perception, and perceived motivation. The results of pilot test indicated that the digital video learning courseware is a valid and reliable learning courseware for providing digital video knowledge to university students. This article describes the development of the courseware as well as the pilot testing.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) REPRESENTASI BUDAYA DAN IDENTITI DALAM MUZIK VIDEO LALISA 2024-04-01T01:22:13+00:00 Nazra Aliff Nazri Faiz Masnan Fauziah Ismail Siti Balkis MKM Mohamed Ibrahim Husna Hazwani Binti Zakaria <p>Pada masa kini, pengaruh Hallyu ataupun gelombang Korea masih tetap dirasai oleh masyarakat dunia. Ini dapat dibuktikan apabila muzik popular Korea yang dihasilkan oleh ramai penyanyi di Korea telah terbukti berjaya menempa nama sehingga ke peringkat antarabangsa. Antara contoh kejayaan adalah menerusi Lisa daripada anggota kumpulan ‘Blackpink’ yang telah mencetuskan fenomena pada tahun 2021 apabila muzik video ‘Lalisa’ telah dinobatkan sebagai muzik video yang mendapat tontonan paling tinggi dalam masa 24 jam di dunia. Oleh itu, dengan menggunakan sampel terhadap muzik video ‘Lalisa’, kajian ini ingin melihat apakah representasi identiti dan budaya yang telah dipaparkan Lisa dalam muzik video ini dengan menggunakan landasan Teori Norma Budaya daripada Melvin De Fleur (1970). Kajian ini juga telah menggunakan kaedah kualitatif analisis tekstual dan mendapati bahawa, walaupun Lisa merupakan penyanyi yang telah menempa nama di Korea Selatan dan dikenali seluruh dunia, namun identiti dan budaya asalnya sebagai anak kelahiran Thailand tetap dikekalkan dan dipromosikan kepada dunia melalui muzik video ini. Ini sekaligus membuktikan bahawa Lisa bukan sahaja seorang penyanyi yang mempunyai nilai patriotism yang tinggi malah juga mempamerkan imej yang amat baik dengan tidak melupakan asal usul beliau.</p> <p><em>Nowadays, the influence of Hallyu or the Korean wave is still felt by a lot of people around the world. This can be proven when Korean popular music produced many singers that has successfully forged a name up to the international level such as Lisa from the group 'Blackpink'. Lisa has created a phenomenon in 2021 when her music video ' Lalisa' has been crowned as the world most viewed music video in 24 hours. Therefore, by using a sample of the music video 'Lalisa', this study wants to see what is the representation and cultural identity that has been displayed by Lisa in this music video by using Cultural Norm Theory from Melvin De Fleur (1970). This study has also used qualitative methods which is textual analysis and the results of the study found that, although Lisa is a singer who started her fame in South Korea and also known around the world, her original identity as well as her culture as an individual who was born in Thailand is still remained and promoted to the world through this music video. This proves that Lisa is not only a singer who has high patriotism values but also displays a very good image as an artist by not forgetting her origins.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) PEMBELAJARAN DALAM TALIAN: GAYA KEPIMPINAN DAN KEPUASAN KERJA GURU 2024-04-01T01:29:18+00:00 Fauziah Ismail Siti Norayu Mohd Basir Nur Qurratul Aini bt Ismail Nazra Aliff Nazri Nor Hafizan Habib Sultan <p>Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan gaya kepimpinan terhadap kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan guru yang mengendalikan pembelajaran dalam talian semasa pandemik Covid-19. Gaya kepimpinan yang dikaji ialah gaya kepimpinan transformasi, gaya kepimpinan transaksi dan gaya kepimpinan Laissez Faire. Data dikumpul melalui kaedah kuantitatif dengan mengedarkan borang soal selidik. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 102 orang guru sekolah kerajaan di Pulau Pinang. Kajian dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social sciences (SPSS) untuk mendapatkan Nilai Korelasi Pearson. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gaya kepimpinan transformasi, gaya transaksi dan gaya kepimpinan Laissez-Faire dengan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan guru.</p> <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of leadership style on job satisfaction among teachers who conduct online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The three leadership styles studied are transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, and laissez-faire leadership style. Data was gathered quantitatively through the distribution of questionnaires. The study's respondents consisted of 102 government school teachers in Penang. The study was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software to obtain the Pearson correlation value. The results show that there is a significant relationship between transformational leadership style, transactional style, and laissez-faire leadership style and job satisfaction among teachers.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) PENGAMALAN BAHASA MELAYU GENERASI Z DALAM ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 DARI PERSPEKTIF SOSIOKOGNITIF 2024-04-01T01:35:09+00:00 Siti Nurul Jannah Fital Junaini Kasdan Siti Norayu Mohd Basir <p>Kajian ini dijalankan dengan tujuan untuk mengenal pasti dan menganalisis tahap pengamalan bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan Gen Z di Malaysia berdasarkan perspektif sosiokognitif. Data diperoleh daripada 660 maklum balas responden yang diterima daripada soal selidik. Responden terdiri daripada Gen Z di seluruh Malaysia yang menerima undangan berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan, meliputi kelompok bandar, pinggir bandar dan luar bandar. Instrumen kajian yang dibangunkan khusus untuk kajian ini mempunyai tahap kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi, iaitu α = .75 hingga α = .91. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan inferensi menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 25.0. Kajian ini memanfaatkan Teori Sosiokognitif dan pendekatan sosiokognitif bagi menghuraikan pertalian antara latar sosial dengan tahap pengamalan terhadap bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan Gen Z. Secara umumnya hasil kajian mendapati tahap pengamalan bahasa Melayu Gen Z dalam kajian ini berada pada tahap yang tinggi dengan pecahan sangat tinggi 10.0% dan tinggi 50.0%. Manakala terdapat 39.0% Gen Z yang mempunyai pengamalan yang rendah terhadap bahasa Melayu dan 1.0% lagi berada pada tahap pengamalan yang sangat rendah.</p> <p><em>This study aims to identify and analyse the levels of practicing towards Malay language among Generation Z. Data was obtained from 660 respondents through a survey conducted through Google Form. The respondents consisted of the Generation Z throughout Malaysia who received invitations based on the set criteria, including urban, suburban and rural groups. The research instrument developed specifically for this study has a high level of validity and reliability, which is α = .75 to α = .91. Data were analyzed descriptively and inferentially using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 25.0. This study utilizes Sociocognitive Theory and the sociocognitive approach to describe the relationship between social background and the levels of practicing of the Malay language among Gen Z. In general, this study found that the Gen Z's level of practicing the Malay language in this study was at a high level with a very high breakdown of 10.0% and a high of 50.0%. While there are 39.0% of Gen Z who have a low practicing and another 1.0% are at a very low practicing of the Malay language.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) TINGKAH LAKU DAN RESPON PENGAJARAN DALAM TALIAN OLEH PELAJAR TERHADAP SOALAN ARAS TINGGI TAKSONOMI BLOOM 2024-04-01T01:38:33+00:00 Mohd Norazizi Samsudain Mardian Shah Omar <p>Perubahan lanskap pendidikan yang beralih kepada penggunaan aplikasi teknologi menyaksikan ramai guru mengeluh kerana pelajar menjadi lebih pasif. Banyak kajian mendapati punca perkara tersebut adalah disebabkan oleh guru hanya mengaplikasikan soalan aras rendah dan sederhana yang menyebabkan pelajar menjadi semakin tidak berminat ketika sesi soal jawab dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran di rumah (PdPR). Oleh yang demikian, kajian tindakan ini akan menganalisis perubahan tingkah laku dan respons pelajar terhadap kaedah PdPR yang menggunakan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi Taksonomi Bloom (1956). Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif dengan menggunakan kaedah pemerhatian sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data yang dijalankan terhadap lima orang pelajar kursus Kemahiran Berkomunikasi dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Melayu di sebuah Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Swasta (IPTS), Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Pengkaji mereka bentuk kajian ini dengan membandingkan perubahan tingkah laku pelajar sewaktu menerima soalan aras rendah dan sederhana dengan soalan aras tinggi Taksonomi Bloom ketika mereka mengikuti kursus berkenaan secara dalam talian. Perbandingan kemahiran tersebut memfokuskan kepada enam aras soalan, iaitu aras rendah dan sederhana yang melibatkan domain pengetahuan, kefahaman, aplikasi makala aras tinggi melibatkan domain analisis, sintesis dan penilaian. Hasil kajian mendapati, empat daripada lima responden mengalami perubahan tingkah laku yang positif apabila menerima soalan domain aras tinggi, manakala seorang lagi tidak menunjukkan perubahan sikap dan respons. Kajian ini diyakini boleh menjadi saranan kepada para pendidik untuk kerap menggunakan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi seperti yang dijelaskan dalam Taksonomi Bloom supaya pelajar lebih aktif ketika mengikuti PdPR. Ini kerana, pendekatan pengajaran tersebut akan menghasilkan kesan yang lebih baik sekali gus dapat memperkasakan sistem pendidikan negara.</p> <p><em>The changing of educational landscape that is turning to the use of technology apps has seen many teachers complain that students are becoming more passive. Many studies have found that the reason for this is because teachers only apply low and medium level questions which causes students to become increasingly uninterested during question and answer sessions in online learning (PdPR). Therefore, this action study will analyze the changes in behavior and response of students to PdPR methods using high-level thinking skills from Bloom Taxonomy (1956). This study is qualitative by using observation method as a data collection instrument conducted on five students of the course of Kemahiran Berkomunikasi dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Melayu at a private universitiy (IPTS) in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. The study was designed by comparing students' behavior changes when they received low and medium level questions with Bloom Taxonomy's high-level questions. The comparison focuses on six levels of questions, which are low and medium levels involving domains of knowledge, understanding, high-level applications involving domain analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The results found that four out of five respondents experienced positive behavioral changes when receiving high-level domain questions, while one student did not show any change in attitudes and responses. This study is believed to be a recommendation for educators to regularly use high-level thinking skills in Bloom Taxonomy so that students are more active when attending PdPR. This is because the teaching approach will have a better impact thus empowering the nation's education system.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) KAJIAN BAGI MENYELARASKAN UJIAN PENULISAN KEPADA COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE (CEFR) 2024-04-01T01:42:31+00:00 Yuziana Yasin Harshita Aini Haroon Sharmini Abdullah Rozilawati Mahadi <p>Secara umumnya, proses menyelaraskan penilaian bahasa Inggeris kepada piawaian antarabangsa, seperti Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) dapat mengukuhkan kesahihan ujian yang dibangunkan. Kertas kerja ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana skala CEFR dapat dioperasikan dalam pembangunan ujian penulisan kepada pelajar antarabangsa bagi saringan tahap penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris pelajar antarabangsa untuk kemasukan ke universiti. Pada beberapa peringkat pembangunan ujian berasaskan CEFR ini, proses untuk menghubungkan ujian penulisan dengan CEFR telah dikaji. Di awal pembangunan item ujian, penggubal item ujian mengenalpasti tahap keperluan minimum penguasaan pelajar berdasarkan skala CEFR yang ingin diukur. Seterusnya proses pembinaan item ujian dan proses semakan aras kesukaran item dijalankan. Skala pemarkahan kemudiaannya disemak untuk mengenalpasti kriteria yang dinilai dan julat markah bagi setiap skala CEFR ditentukan. Setelah ujian dijalankan kepada pelajar antarabangsa, sampel markah pelajar dinilai dan markah bagi sampel diselaraskan berdasarkan rubrik skala CEFR. Akhirnya, nilai tahap persetujuan yang tinggi di antara pemeriksa ujian penulisan digunakan untuk meningkatkan kesahihan pelaporan markah pelajar berdasarkan kepada skala CEFR. Kajian masa hadapan dapat dilaksanakan kepada proses penyelarasan ujian berasaskan CEFR kepada kemahiran mendengar, bercakap dan juga membaca bagi mendapatkan keputusan tahap penguasaaan bahasa Inggeris pelajar yang lebih menyeluruh.</p> <p><em>In general, the process of aligning English language assessment to international standards, such as the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) can strengthen the validity of the tests developed. This paper aims to study how the CEFR scale can be operationalized in the development of a writing test for international students to measure the level of English proficiency of international students for university admission. At several stages of the development of this CEFR-based test, the process to link the writing test with the CEFR was studied. At the beginning of the development of the test items, the test developers of the test items identify the minimum required level of student mastery based on the CEFR scale to be measured. Next, the test item construction process and the item difficulty level review process are carried out. The scoring scale is then reviewed to identify the criteria being assessed and the range of scores for each CEFR scale is determined. After the test is administered to international students, a sample of student scores is evaluated and scores for the sample are adjusted based on the CEFR scale rubric. Finally, the high level of agreement between the examiners of the writing test was used to increase the validity of student score reporting based on the CEFR scale. Future studies can be carried out on the process of coordinating CEFR-based tests for listening, speaking and reading skills to obtain more comprehensive results of students' English language proficiency.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) FAEDAH RPGS TABLETOP SEBAGAI ALAT PENGAJARAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN 2024-04-01T01:46:06+00:00 Khairul Hisham bin Jamalludin Harshita Aini Haroon <p>Permainan perwatakan atas meja (TTRPG) ialah permainan yang berpotensi menjadi alat pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berharga. TTRPG ialah permainan naratif berstruktur yang membolehkan sekumpulan pemain terlibat dalam penceritaan kolaboratif untuk membina cerita semasa mereka bermain. Ramai yang terlepas pandang potensinya dalam bidang pendidikan kerana ia merupakan hobi khusus. Disebabkan ini, terdapat kurang penyelidikan TTRPG dalam bidang akademik. Makalah ini akan menerangkan apakah itu TTRPG dan contoh jenis permainan yang terdapat di pasaran. Ia juga akan menggambarkan bagaimana permainan itu boleh memberi manfaat kepada pelajar, apakah kemahiran yang boleh diajar dengan berkesan menggunakan permainan itu, dan cara ia membantu pelajar melibatkan diri dengan bahan pembelajaran. Ini adalah berdasarkan kertas kerja dan artikel dan pengalaman mengajar bilik darjah saya sendiri menggunakan TTRPG, yang telah mendorong saya untuk meneruskannya sebagai topik penyelidikan. Akhir sekali, kertas ini akan memberi cadangan mengenai aktiviti masa depan untuk penyelidikan lanjutan dalam topik TTRPG.</p> <p><em>Tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) are games that have the potential to be valuable tools for teaching and learning. TTRPGs are structured narrative games that allow a group of players to engage in collaborative storytelling, thus building a story as they play. Being a niche game with its own history of vilification by the mainstream media in the West, it has gone largely unnoticed by educators worldwide other than as a hobby for a limited few. Due to this, there has been sparse research on TTRPGs in academia. This paper will highlight and describe what TTRPGs are and examples of games available on the market. It will also illustrate how the games may benefit students, what skills can be taught effectively in class using the game, and how they help students to engage with the learning material. This is based on papers and articles and my own classroom teaching experience using TTRPGs, which has spurred me to pursue this as a research topic. Finally, there are suggestions on future activities to execute implement further research.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) PEMBANGUNAN MODEL PERSONALITI UNGGUL PESALAH JUVANA (MPUPJ) 2024-04-01T01:50:20+00:00 Shuhairimi Abdullah Nur Suriaty Daud @ Fhiri Tengku Kastriafuddin Shah Tengku Yaakob Noor Salwani Hussin Mohd Soffian Mohammad Rosbi Abdul Jalil Ramli Adi Anuar Azmin Wan Sallha Yusoff Jasin Abd Halim <p>Kesalahan jenayah dalam kalangan kanak-kanak adalah masalah sosial yang sangat membimbangkan. Secara umumnya, masalah kanak-kanak berkonflik dengan undang-undang atau terlibat dengan kesalahan jenayah adalah isu sejagat kerana ianya berlaku di semua negara di dunia. Sehubungan dengan itu, objektif utama artikel ini adalah untuk menganalisis definisi jenayah dan jenayah juvana di Malaysia. Pada masa yang sama, artikel ini juga memfokuskan kepada jenayah juvana yang berlaku di negeri Perlis. Di samping itu, artikel ini turut mengenalpasti hukuman yang dikenakan kepada kanak-kanak yang melakukan jenayah. Artikel ini mendapati bahawa terdapat kelompangan berkenaan faktor yang mendorong pesalah untuk berubah dan boleh mengubah pesalah juvana lain menjadi lebih baik. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah kajian kuantitatif iaitu penganalisisan data. Selain itu, kertas kerja ini juga membangunkan model personaliti unggul pesalah juvana. Model ini adalah penambahbaikan penambahbaikan kepada modul program pemulihan pesalah juvana sedia ada.</p> <p><em>Crime among children is a highly concerning social issue. Generally, the problem of children conflicting with the law or being involved in criminal activities is a global issue as it occurs in every country around the world. In line with this, the main objective of this article is to analyze the definition of crime and juvenile delinquency in Malaysia. At the same time, the article also focuses on juvenile crimes occurring in the state of Perlis. Additionally, this article identifies the punishments imposed on children who commit crimes. The article finds that there are discrepancies regarding the factors that drive offenders to change and can transform other juvenile offenders for the better. The methodology used in this study is quantitative study which involves analyzing data. Furthermore, this paper also develops a model of the superior personality of juvenile offenders. This model is an enhancement to the existing juvenile offender rehabilitation program modules.</em></p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC) THE MANAGEMENT OF WAQF IN PERLIS: A STUDY AT STATE ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS COUNCIL OF PERLIS, MALAYSIA 2024-04-01T01:58:33+00:00 Muhammad Syazuwan Ahmad Hydzulkifli Hashim <p>Waqf properties contribute to a huge percentage of societal wealth in several Muslim countries. However, numerous Muslim countries are facing massive socio-economic problems such as poverty, education, and lack of basic healthcare services. This encourages contemporary Muslim scholars to formulate new financing methods that can be used to develop waqf properties and ensure that these modes confirmed with the Shariah. However, these methods are not maximumly been practiced in several states in Malaysia due to problems such as management, lack of funds, customer awareness, and others. Indeed, the applications of some of these financing methods have been proven successful in the development of Waqf properties. This paper attempts to review deeply on the main resources of waqf properties in Perlis, the current development of waqf properties as well as the issue in the management of waqf asset to aid the development of waqf properties in the Perlis Islamic Religious Council. By implementing qualitative research methods, this research design to ensure the finding of this study will give a massive contribution, especially to the Perlis Islamic Religious Council to practice an instrumental approach to developing the waqf properties to meet urgent social needs of society. The study discusses the findings of the current waqf management practices in Perlis specifically on waqf development such as al-mudharabah, al-musharakah, al-muzara’ah and implementation of cash waqf. Based on the findings, there are several methods been used to manage waqf properties in Perlis such as al-Musyakarah, al-Mudharabah, al-Muzaraah and also cash waqf been implemented.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Human Development and Communication (JoHDeC)