Vol. 8 (2019)
Anti-Corruption Campaigns and Nigeria’s Development: An Appraisal of Media in Nigeria
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Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Awareness of Industry 4.0: A Preliminary Study
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Socio-Demographic Factors in Influencing the Role of Bully and Victim among the Malay Female Juvenile Detainees in Rehabilitation Centre before Detention
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Success Factors for IoT and Big Data Analytics in Transpiration System: A Systematic Literature Review
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The No-Tahayul Imposition on Malay Horror Films as a Religious Prescription: The Raison D’être and Its Effect on the Industry
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Al Zarnuji's Learning Principles in the Malaysian National Education Philosophy: An Integrated Model of Islamic Spiritual Intelligence
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The Place and Significance of English in Business Communication in India
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Enhancing University Income Generation Alternative Revenue Resources for the University :A Case Study in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
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Talent Management: Malaysian Public Universities Vs Private Industries
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Effects of Visual Approach in Teaching Mathematics for Malaysian Secondary School: A Case Study
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Analisis Kandungan Artikel Kesihatan Akhbar Terpilih dalam Tempoh Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 Malaysia
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Analisis Kutipan Zakat Pendapatan di Negeri Kedah bagi Tahun 2012 hingga 2018
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APPSLEXIA: Pembangunan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Secara Fonetik untuk Pelajar Disleksia
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Kerangka Islam dan Sifat-sifat Terpuji (Mahmudah) Sebagai Asas dalam Keusahawanan Sosial Islam: Satu Penghayatan bagi Usahawan Sosial
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Laman Sesawang Interaktif: Platform Pencarian Taska Berlesen
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Penyampaian Maklumat melalui Pembangunan Video Interaktif
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