Vol. 7 (2018)
Description on Research Article Introduction Section by Computer Science Researchers in Malaysian Private Universities
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Investigating the Process of Acquiring Communicative Competence by an LEP Adult in a Natural Setting
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An Everlasting Colonisation: A Postcolonial Reading of Jamaica Kincaid’s A Small Place
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Teaching Technical Report Writing as Aesthetic Pursuit: An Innovative Approach
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Examining the Women Issues and Child Abuse as Mirrored by Arundhati Roy’s the God of Small Things
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The Big ‘I’, Little ‘I’ Technique: A Case Study of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Intervention on Self-Acceptance among Young Drug Addicts
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Comparative Analysis of Public Officers’ Corruption Framing in Newspapers
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Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills and Career Choices in Mathematics across Gender
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Preliminary Study in Emerging Competence Domain: Synergised Computational Thinking (CT) Skills and Brain-Based Learning (BBL) in TVET Curriculums
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Do Managerial Competencies affect Franchisee’ Operational Performance?
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Dinamisme Negara dan Struktur Formasi Negara Bangsa: Dari Negara Ethno-Etnik ke Negara Bangsa Sivik?
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Amalan Pengurusan Pengetahuan dalam kalangan Guru-guru di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia
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Tekanan dalam Keluarga: Faktor-faktor, Kesan dan Strategi Daya Tindak Menangani Tekanan
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