Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Dec
Communicative Language Teaching: Improving EFL Students’ Speaking Skills in an Indonesian Islamic Boarding School Context
Abstract View: 47,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 27
The Influence of Office Technology and Job Performance of Office Professionals as Mediated by Interpersonal Skills
Abstract View: 195,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 107
Lecturer’s Perception on the Students’ Need of ESP at Non-English Study Program
Abstract View: 20,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 12
Perbandingan Kata Kerja dalam Dialek Melayu Kedah dengan Bahasa Melayu Standard
Abstract View: 619,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 603
The Toponymy of Plantation Areas in Medan (Linguistic Anthropology Study)
Abstract View: 44,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 77
Using Form Focused Instruction on Teaching Formulaic Sequences Among EFL Undergraduates
Abstract View: 44,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 20
An Analysis of English Language Needs: A Reflection from Electrical and Civil Engineering Students of College of Industrial Technology and Management, RUTS
Abstract View: 24,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 22
Investigating the Effectiveness of Utilizing the Online Teaching via Flipped Learning Procedures for Improving the Undergraduates’ English Communicative Skills
Abstract View: 42,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 15