Using Form Focused Instruction on Teaching Formulaic Sequences Among EFL Undergraduates


  • Noor Farahhein Johari
  • Masturah Sabri
  • Noriha Basir
  • Sri Kandy Putri Naru Abdul Hamid Naru
  • Jasin Abd Halim


This research looks into the impact of explicit form-based instruction (FFI) on the understanding of English as a foreign language (EFL) student in written tasks. The research also explored the internalisation after treatment of formulaic sequences. Data were compiled from different L1 backgrounds among EFL students. A pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test were followed in the task design. The formulaic sequences were selected and taught through the intervention sessions. Learning gains have been assessed in three separate periods in the same written test set. The findings showed that students gain significant learning from pre-test to post-test of participants; recognition and internalisation of formulaic sequences also indicated that participants have internalised a large number of formulaic sequences in their long-term memory. Lastly, the findings indicate that focused instructions on formulation sequences lead to an efficient learning and internalisation of linguistic features.


Formulaic sequences, Focused Instruction, English as a foreign language (EFL)




How to Cite

Noor Farahhein Johari, Masturah Sabri, Noriha Basir, Sri Kandy Putri Naru Abdul Hamid Naru, & Jasin Abd Halim. (2024). Using Form Focused Instruction on Teaching Formulaic Sequences Among EFL Undergraduates. Journal of Communication in Scientific Inquiry (JCSI), 3(2), 149–158. Retrieved from


