Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): June
The Effects of Vocabulary Enhancement Activities on EFL Learners
Abstract View: 32, FULL ARTICLE Download: 29
“Narrative Application in Gameplay”: The Enhancement of Creative Thought of Teaching Staff at the Centre for International Languages, UniMAP
Abstract View: 49, FULL ARTICLE Download: 35
Developing Speech Abilities on Various Occasions Using Role-Plays and Practice in Real-Life Situations of Students Studying the Art of Speaking
Abstract View: 38, FULL ARTICLE Download: 16
Using Cross Border Collaboration Project to Encourage English Language Usage among Thai and Malaysian Undergraduate Students
Abstract View: 33, FULL ARTICLE Download: 25
Exploring Current Needs of English for Electrical Engineering: Students and Professionals’ Voices to English Instructional in Tertiary Education
Abstract View: 22, FULL ARTICLE Download: 25
Citra Daya Tarikan Fizikal dalam Novel ‘Teen-lit’
Abstract View: 65, FULL ARTICLE Download: 38
Analisis Wacana Kritis: Satu Pengenalan Umum
Abstract View: 408, FULL ARTICLE Download: 324