Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Dec
Comparative Study of Language Learning Strategies Used by First-Year Students at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, Thailand and UniMAP, Malaysia
Abstract View: 32,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 23
Students’ Perceptions on Card Game (LXpress Card Game) Usage in English Communication Skills
Abstract View: 46,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 28
Slices of Pain: Seeing Through the Eyes of Characters in Literature Using Socio-Psychological Prism
Abstract View: 49,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 33
Instagram as a Digital Tool to Enhance Students’ Writing Skills
Abstract View: 147,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 87
Blending Folklore with Technology as Language Teaching and Learning Tools: Role and Impact
Abstract View: 58,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 40
Prosedur Terjemahan Bahasa Istana dan Bahasa Klasik dalam Terjemahan Intralingual Hikayat Bayan Budiman
Abstract View: 612,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 354
Analisis Sosiolinguistik Masyarakat Melayu di Tiga Wilayah Sempadan Selatan Thailand Berlandaskan Teori Etnografi Komunikasi
Abstract View: 204,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 225