Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): June
How Second Language Writing Anxiety Influences Postgraduate Dissertation Writing
Abstract View: 59,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 39
Understanding of Media Literacy in Adolescents on the Use of Social Media in the Coastal Areas of Pematang Guntung Village
Abstract View: 33,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 24
Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Spoof Text by Using Estafet Writing Strategy
Abstract View: 79,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 33
Implementation of Islamic Religious Education Learning for Students with Special Needs (CASE STUDY: SLB 'AISYIYAH TEMBUNG)
Abstract View: 47,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 17
Development and Validation of Teacher Emotional Support Scale for the Virtual Classroom
Abstract View: 59,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 25
The Analysis of Course and Teaching Evaluation for Language Classes during COVID-19 Pandemic
Abstract View: 34,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 16
Penggunaan Kaedah Pengajaran dan Strategi Komunikasi dalam Penulisan Bahasa Arab
Abstract View: 315,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 229
Mobile Learning Application: Utlization of Dongle To Improve Presentation Skill In English Learning
Abstract View: 52,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 24