Optical Investigation of In2O3/ Quartz Nano-films Deposited at Different Laser Energies


  • Dua’a R. T. Alrayyes
  • Ali A. Alwahib
  • Makram A. Fakhri
  • Motahher A. Qaeed
  • Subash C. B. Gopinath




The study conducted in this research focuses on the deposition of In2O3 thin films onto quartz substrates using the pulsed laser deposition technique (PLD). The importance of this study lies in the exploration of the optical properties of these thin films under varying laser energies (1200 mJ, 1400mJ, 1600mJ, 1800 mJ, and 2000 mJ), and the subsequent determination of their energy band gaps. In the pursuit of enhancing our understanding of In2O3 thin films, this research exhibits a direct relationship between the laser energy and laser band gap. It was discovered that the energy band gap of thin In2O3 films increased due to the increase in laser energy. This phenomenon resulted in an overall blue shift from the fundamental energy gap of In2O3 thin films. The significance of this study extends to potential applications in various fields. In2O3 thin films with tunable energy band gaps can find applications in optoelectronics, photovoltaic and other emerging technologies. This research not only contributes to the fundamental understandings of thin film properties but also offers a pathway for tailoring their characteristics for specific applications, thus advancing the field of materials science and engineering.


Deposition, Indium Oxide, Nano-films, Optical characterization, Quartz




How to Cite

Dua’a R. T. Alrayyes, Ali A. Alwahib, Makram A. Fakhri, Motahher A. Qaeed, and Subash C. B. Gopinath, “Optical Investigation of In2O3/ Quartz Nano-films Deposited at Different Laser Energies”, IJNeaM, vol. 17, no. June, pp. 169–174, Jun. 2024.