Microwave Welding of Thermoplastic using Silicon Carbide Nanowhiskers as Susceptor: Effect of Heating Duration


  • Phey Yee Foong
  • Chun Hong Voon
  • Bee Ying Lim
  • Pei Leng Teh
  • Cheow Keat Yeoh
  • Mohd Afendi Rojan
  • Nor Azizah Parmin
  • Subash C. B. Gopinath
  • Foo Wah Low
  • Muhammad Kashif
  • Nor Azura Abdul Rahman
  • Sung Ting Sam
  • Veeradasan Perumal




Microwave welding is becoming more popular than conventional joining methods due to its advantages such as rapid and localised heating as well as applicable to components with complicated geometry. Previously reported susceptor, such as carbonaceous materials and conductive polymers, are toxic and the welding process involving these susceptors is time-consuming. Because of its exceptional microwave absorption and biocompatibility, silicon carbide nanowhiskers (SiCNWs) was employed as the microwave susceptor for microwave welding. Microwave welding in this study comprises of only three simple steps: SiCNWs suspension preparation, SiCNWs application and microwave heating. The weld strength of welded joint was then characterised using tensile test and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy equipped scanning electron microscopy (EDS-SEM) to study its mechanical properties and cross-section microstructure. The influence of microwave irradiation time was studied in this study, and it is found that the weld strength rose with the extension of microwave irradiation time, until a maximum weld strength of 1.61 MPa was achieved by 17 s welded joint. The development of SiCNWs reinforced PP nanocomposite welded joint layer is responsible for the enhanced weld strength. Prolonged heating duration may also result in flaws such as void formation at the welded joint, which subsequently lowered the weld strength to 0.60 MPa when the heating duration was extended to 20 s. In sum, a strengthen welded joint can be formed with rapid microwave heating under the proper control of heating duration.


Microwave Heating, Nanocomposite, Nanowhisker, Silicon Carbide, Welding




How to Cite

Phey Yee Foong, “Microwave Welding of Thermoplastic using Silicon Carbide Nanowhiskers as Susceptor: Effect of Heating Duration”, IJNeaM, vol. 17, no. June, pp. 1–6, Jun. 2024.