Vol. 11 No. 2 (2022): December (2022)
SEIR Model Simulation and Dynamical Behaviour for Rabies Transmission in Dog Populations
Abstract View: 85,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 58
The Best Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Platforms for Mathematics Subjects Based on Student’s Perspective Using Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP)
Abstract View: 69,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 30
University Students’ Awareness, Risk Perception and Acceptance of the COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shots: A Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) Approach
Abstract View: 71,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 51
A Hybrid Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Model with 4253HT Smoother
Abstract View: 13,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 24
Multiple Linear Regression for Academic Achievements for Public Universities in Malaysia
Abstract View: 39,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 59
Competencies in Digital Media Literacy among Undergraduate Students using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)
Abstract View: 30,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 32
Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Different Leaf Classification
Abstract View: 34,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 29
Modelling and Forecasting Gold Price Return and Its Volatility
Abstract View: 77,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 83
An Integrated Approach of Fuzzy TOPSIS and Graph Theory with Confidence Analysis on Personnel Selection
Abstract View: 33,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 32
A Perusal of Transaction Details from Silk Road 2.0 and its Cogency using the Riemann Elucidation of Integrals
Abstract View: 70,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 44
Two-warehouse Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items Under Two - Level Trade Credit Financing
Abstract View: 56,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 51
Predicting House Rental Value Among Students in Higher Institution Using Data Mining Techniques
Abstract View: 42,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 68
Application of Shewhart Control Chart in Monitoring Road Accident Fatalities in Kelantan
Abstract View: 64,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 37
The SEIRS Model Simulation of Cholera Transmission with Treatment and Vaccination
Abstract View: 59,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 66
Multivariate Methods Approach for Water Quality Index Estimation
Abstract View: 27,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 40
An Android Application for Facial Expression Recognition Using Deep Learning
Abstract View: 56,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 39
Ranking Knowledge Level Using Generalized TOPSIS in Single-Valued Neutrosophic Environment
Abstract View: 35,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 45
At-Site and Regional Frequency Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Modelling in Peninsular Malaysia
Abstract View: 46,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 49