Blending Folklore with Technology as Language Teaching and Learning Tools: Role and Impact


  • Dipima Buragohain
  • Mohd Syamril Aklmar Check Kassim


Folk literature or folklore is considered as the earliest form of literature across all human cultures. It encompasses all the wonderful traditions, mostly oral in nature, practised by cultures and subcultures. Whereas technology is the driving energy behind almost everything in the current time. In terms of language teaching and learning, innovation is the keyword to go. Empowering language learners with a variety of innovative and integrated tools and techniques is the acknowledged practice within the current academic periphery. It includes practices such as multicultural and diversity education, folktales in the language classroom, technology-driven classroom activities and other collaborative learning tools. The present study aims to explore the possibilities of blending folklore with technology as language teaching and learning tools while highlighting the role and impact of such a blended approach on language learners in higher education. It particularly attempts to explore the possible ways of generating content and learning materials for language learners using this blended approach.


Folklore, Technology-Driven Education, Collaborative Learning, Blended Learning




How to Cite

Dipima Buragohain, & Mohd Syamril Aklmar Check Kassim. (2024). Blending Folklore with Technology as Language Teaching and Learning Tools: Role and Impact. Journal of Communication in Scientific Inquiry (JCSI), 1(1), 43–48. Retrieved from


