Vol. 10 (2021): December (2021)
Damage Detection Formulation using Inverse Frequency Analysis incorporating Artificial Neural Network for Kirchhoff Plate Theory
Abstract View: 42,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 44
Behaviour Of Solutions Of The Volterra Integro-Differential Equations Using Numerical Methods
Abstract View: 38,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 33
Integrals Involving the Homogeneous Generalized Hypergeometric Function and Multivariable Aleph-Function
Abstract View: 36,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 28
Modified Non Classical Conjugate Gradient Parameter for Solving Nonlinear Equations
Abstract View: 42,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 31
Analysis of Mathematical Model for the Dynamics of Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications
Abstract View: 46,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 41
Comparison Between Exact Optimization and Heuristics Approaches for Maximizing Benefit of Point Redemption: A Knapsack Problem
Abstract View: 62,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 34
Modeling and Simulation of the Queuing System at University Parcel Centre (UPC)
Abstract View: 103,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 54
Sport Science Students’ Perceptions in Solving Mathematical Word Problems
Abstract View: 63,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 49
Sport Science Students’ Perceptions in Solving Mathematical Word Problems
Abstract View: 29,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 28
Application of Shewhart Control Chart to Analyze the Effect of Income on Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure
Abstract View: 40,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 27
Analyzing the Factors that Hinder the Implementation of ICT in Teaching-Learning Process in Rural Area by using Analytic Hierarchy Process
Abstract View: 80,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 49
Regression Analysis on Crime Rates in Kaduna State from 2002-2016
Abstract View: 38,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 55
Mortality Analysis by Income Group of Civil Servants in Malaysia
Abstract View: 46,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 86
Selection of Social Networking Sites among Undergraduate Students with AHP-TOPSIS Model
Abstract View: 35,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 27
Comparison of Correlation for Asia Shariah Indices using DCC-GARCH and Rolling Window Correlation
Abstract View: 50,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 54
How Influential the Market Confidence in Determining the Global Stock Returns
Abstract View: 28,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 35
Demonstrating Bonus Malus System (BMS) with Fair Deductibles Amount and Control Mechanism of Claim Amount and Frequency on Medical and Health Insurance Portfolio
Abstract View: 64,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 40
Trend Analysis of Under-Five Mortality Rate in Malaysia by Gender and States
Abstract View: 128,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 79
The Effect of Two-Species Competition on a Lotka-Volterra Fishery Model in the Presence of Toxicity
Abstract View: 47,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 27
Graphical Summaries of Circular Data with Outliers Using Python Programming Language
Abstract View: 48,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 38
Application of the Length–Biased Weibull–Rayleigh Distribution to Fit the Rainy Season Rainfall for the Upper Ping River in Northern Thailand
Abstract View: 49,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 32
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Replicated Linear Functional Relationship Model
Abstract View: 66,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 46
Analysis of Public Sentiment on Covid-19 Vaccination Policy Based on Text Mining with The Naïve Bayes Classifier Approach
Abstract View: 50,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 41
Multivariate Evolutionary and Tweedie GLM Methods for Estimating Motor Vehicle Insurance Claims Reserves
Abstract View: 99,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 77
The Fixed Points of b-Bistochastic-Volterra Quadratic Stochastic Operators On S 1 × S 1
Abstract View: 63,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 47
Numerical Solutions of Chaotic Convection Model in a Horizontal Layer of Fluid Using Deep Learning DNN
Abstract View: 47,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 45