Mobile Learning Application: Utlization of Dongle To Improve Presentation Skill In English Learning


  • Alfitriani Siregar


The objective of study analysed mobile learning application of dongle to improve presentation skill in English language teaching learning. This research method conducted qualitative. Population were all fourth semester students of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of 2020/2021 years, with a total population of 136 students. Sample were 32 students of fourth semester at English Education in University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. The development of science and technology shifts to the paradigm of conventional learning towards innovative learning models. Now, students can use mobile learning application of dongle in the class that can ease learning by carrying out activities systematically, where they have to explain, to improve presentation, find references easily. They used a smartphone that actually affects their learning motivation. In fact, the presentation of student assignments through the dongle will likely be highly innovative, could be self-paced to suit individual student needs, can study various points of view through other online resources. Mobile learning application of dongle functions to direct students to obtain a variety of learning experiences. Making it easier and effective using by a smartphone through dongle in English language teaching learning.


Mobile learning, dongle, presentation skill




How to Cite

Alfitriani Siregar. (2024). Mobile Learning Application: Utlization of Dongle To Improve Presentation Skill In English Learning. Journal of Communication in Scientific Inquiry (JCSI), 3(1), 79–86. Retrieved from


