Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): June
The Investigation of Politeness Strategies in Teacher-Student Interactions: The Use of the Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English
Abstract View: 52,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 35
Creating a Bilingual Brochure to Promote Tourism at Baan Rai Tawanwarn in Krabi Province, Thailand
Abstract View: 39,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 25
Pemerolehan bahasa Pertama Murid Hiperaktif (ADHD) dalam Aspek Kehidupan Harian: Analisis Neuropsikolinguistik
Abstract View: 692,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 649
Paraphrasing in Academic Writing of L2 Learners: Strategies, Challenges, and Pedagogical Implications
Abstract View: 42,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 30
Language Anxiety among English Major Students in a Less Competitive Context
Abstract View: 43,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 23
Prosodies in the Production of Polar and Informative Questions by Thai Native Speakers
Abstract View: 26,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 26
Using Internet Applications for English Learning of RUTS Students
Abstract View: 24,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 22
English Code-Mixing in Thai Reality Television Show: The Face Thailand Season Four (All-stars)
Abstract View: 104,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 87