Streetlight Control System Based on Wireless Communication
This project describes the development of controller streetlights based on wireless communication for saving the energy consumption of streetlight system. The road light used in this research is the 240V light bulb because of the great energy and the intensity of light can be controlled. This light bulb fitted with RF Module based light controller can be monitored as well. The project's major goal is to reduce energy use when there are no vehicles on the road. When there is darkness and a vehicle is passing through the street, the streetlight will be turned on, otherwise, the lights will be turned off. The research demonstrates automatic control of streetlights, which saves energy to some extent. The Streetlight Control System based on Wireless Communication provides an energy-saving solution by using IR sensors to detect an incoming vehicle and then turning on a block of streetlights ahead of the vehicle. In order to realize the proposed system, a prototype is built where the experiments prove that this system can automatically on-off the streetlight and it can be monitored up to 5km. The trailing lights turn off automatically when the vehicle passes past. As a result, Streetlight Control System based on Wireless Communication saves a significant amount of energy. If there are no vehicles on the highway, all of the lights are turned off.