About the Journal

International Journal of Advanced Communication Technology (IJACT) is a peer-reviewed international journal published once a year. It includes original research papers, short notes on theoretical and experimental research in English and selected conference papers in a special issue on the state of research and technical development within the following fields:

1. Biophotonics
2. Display and lighting
3. Information Security and Cryptography
4. Software/Hardware Engineering Testing Reliability
5. Hardware Architecture
6. Quantum Optics
7. Quantum Information
8. Nonlinear optics
9. Photonic materials and metamaterial
10. Photodetectors, sensors, systems and imaging
11. Semiconductor lasers
12. Optical micro/nano resonator and devices
13. Optical interconnects
14. Green Communications and Computations
15. Optical fiber technology
16. 3-D Imaging, Processing, Communication and Display
17. Ultrafast optics
18. Optical Communications and Systems
19. Microwave photonics
20. Nanophotonics and plasmonics
21. Optical networks and systems
22. Photonic integration and packaging
23. Spectroscopy and microscopy
24. Optics

1. Solid-state circuits and devices
2. Low noise active circuits and devices
3. High power active circuits and devices
4. Couplers and dividers
5. Filters and resonators
6. Guided wave structures and novel passive components
7. MEMs, ferrites, ferroelectric, SAW and superconducting technology
8. Packaging and interconnects
9. Sub-millimetre waves
10. Radar, sensing, systems and applications
11. Scattering, propagation, EM field theory and CAD
12. Microstrip, planar and low-gain antennas
13. Array, beam-forming and high-gain antennas
14. Smart and reconfigurable antennas
15. Millimetre-wave and THz antennas
16. Broadband and multi-band antennas
17. Wireless power transfer, energy harvesting and RFID
18. Metamaterials, EBGs, and FSSs
19. Communication and Microwave systems
20. Massive MIMO, Multiuser MIMO, cooperative communications

1. Computer Networks
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Cybersecurity
4. Information Systems
5. Internet of Things (IoT)
6. Big Data Analytics
7. Blockchain
8. Image Processing
9. AR/VR
as well as other related topics.