Effects of Race Car's Speed on the Aerodynamic Aspect Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis


  • Yik Pey Tang Universiti Malaysia Perlis




This research employs Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods to investigate the intricate relationship between race car speed and external aerodynamics during high-performance racing competitions. The primary objectives encompass the application of CFD in pre-processing and analyzing external aerodynamic aspects, coupled with a comprehensive examination of the external flow around a race car for a nuanced understanding of its aerodynamic performance. Various car speeds were considered with the RANS (k-ω SST) turbulent model. The results unveiled a direct correlation between inlet velocity and the maximum velocity attained by the race car. The aerodynamic design intricately directs the airflow, leading to higher velocities predominantly along the upper part of the car body. Noteworthy is the revelation that the highest recorded maximum velocity of 231.06 m/s coincides with a peak inlet velocity of 200 m/s, suggesting a consistent increase in maximum velocity with rising inlet velocity. This research emphasizes the pivotal role of inlet velocity in achieving peak car speed performance. It sheds light on the significance of turbulent model selection in capturing the complexities of external flow dynamics. This knowledge contributes to optimizing the external aerodynamics of race car body design, ultimately enhancing performance and competitiveness in the dynamic world of Formula 1 racing.


Computational fluid dynamics, Turbulent, Aerodynamic aspect, RANS


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How to Cite

Yik Pey Tang. (2024). Effects of Race Car’s Speed on the Aerodynamic Aspect Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis. Advanced and Sustainable Technologies (ASET), 3(1), 54–61. https://doi.org/10.58915/aset.v3i1.797


