Influence of Pressure Drop on the Performance of Multi-Stage Fluidisation System


  • R.M.Z.R. Ibrahim
  • M.A.M. Nawi
  • M.A.R. Alias
  • M.S.M. Shabri
  • N.M. Musa



The term fluidisation refers to transforming a bed of particulate materials into a fluid by the action of a fluid passing across it. The use of an annular blade distributor known as a Swirling Fluidized Bed (SFB) in new applications may increase the efficacy of fluidisations on the bed. For this analysis, 30 blades were considered, and the results of varying the horizontal inclination angle of the blade distributors by 10, 12, and 15 degrees were analysed. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation study was carried out in order to evaluate the pressure drop of the multi-stage fluidisation system could be evaluated. This research shows that a multi-stage fluidisation system results in energy conservation and maintains a highly efficient performance system. This research demonstrates that a 15° blade inclination angle with 30 blades may lower pressure without affecting performance, and for the velocity profile, it indicates velocity uniformity in fluidisation systems.


Simulation and modelling, Fluidization system, Multi-stage Swirling Fluidized Bed (SFB), Pressure drop


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How to Cite

R.M.Z.R. Ibrahim, M.A.M. Nawi, M.A.R. Alias, M.S.M. Shabri, & N.M. Musa. (2023). Influence of Pressure Drop on the Performance of Multi-Stage Fluidisation System . Advanced and Sustainable Technologies (ASET), 2(1).


