Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): September (2023)
Half-Sweep Approximation for Nonlinear Diffusion Equation In Two-Dimensional Porous Medium
Abstract View: 70,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 75
Development of E-Travel Mobile Application Using Geofencing Technique
Abstract View: 93,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 109
The Application of Golden Ratio Geometry Analysis to Evaluate Nature Motifs Generated by Gielis' Supershape
Abstract View: 69,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 65
An Analysis on Diploma Students’ Performance in Mathematics using Chi-Square Test
Abstract View: 133,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 149
Modification of Blum-Blum-Shub Generator (BBS) with a 2×2 Matrix and the First Digit Property of Generated Random Numbers and Bits
Abstract View: 66,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 163
C1 Rational Cubic Ball Triangular Patch for Positivity Preserving Scattered Data Interpolation
Abstract View: 38,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 52
Analyzing the Covid-19 Cases in Malaysia during the Transition to Endemic Phase
Abstract View: 56,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 73
Symbolic Solution of Short Beam on Elastic Foundation Using the Computer Algebra System
Abstract View: 67,
FULL ARTICLE Download: 55