The Relationship between Social Interaction and Perceived Discrimination among Students at University X in Jakarta


  • Ninawati
  • Kurnia Setiawan



Interactions carried out by individuals show that the more diverse a person’s interactions, the more relationships that exist. According to Robert M.Z Lawang (Soyomukti, 2016) social interaction is a process when individuals who communicate influence each other both in thought and action. According to Myers and Twenge (2017) discrimination is an act that occurs due to prejudice and stereotypes. The design of this research is non-experimental quantitative research with 269subjects. The selection of subjects was done by convenience sampling technique. The description of the subject data shows that the mean value of social interaction tends to be high. In the perceive discrimination variable, the mean value tends to be low. The results of the correlation test between social interaction and perceived discrimination obtained a p-value of 0.016 (<0.05) coefficient correlation -0.146, meaning that there was a negative correlation between social interaction and perceived discrimination. Thus, it can be said that if the social interaction is good or high, the perceived discrimination will be low. For this reason, it is necessary to increase social interaction so that individuals have low perceived discrimination.


Perceived discrimination, social interaction, students




How to Cite

Ninawati, & Kurnia Setiawan. (2024). The Relationship between Social Interaction and Perceived Discrimination among Students at University X in Jakarta. Journal of Communication in Scientific Inquiry (JCSI), 5(2), 119–125.


