Sikap Dan Minat Murid Orang Asli Terhadap Pembelajaran Peribahasa : Aplikasi Modul Rimba


  • Saliza Sahli
  • Norfaizah Abdul Jobar



This study aims to identify the attitude and interest of Orang Asli students towards learning
the topic of Malay Proverbs using the Rimba Module. The objective of this study is to identify
the level of attitude and interest of Orang Asli students towards the topic of proverbs using
the Rimba Module as well as to analyze the relationship between the attitude and interest of
Orang Asli students towards the topic of proverbs using the Rimba Module. The design of this
study is quantitative by using survey and correlation methods. The instrument used is a
questionnaire that contains two parts, namely the attitude part and the interest part of
Orang Asli students towards learning the topic of Malay proverbs using the Rimba Module.
A total of 59 Orang Asli students from three primary schools from Kuala Langat were
selected as a sample using intact group sampling. SPSS version 26.0 software was used to
analyze descriptive data to obtain mean and standard deviation as well as inferential data
analysis to obtain correlation values. The findings of the study show that the overall mean
value for the level of attitude of Orang Asli students is 4.00 while the overall mean value for
the level of interest of Orang Asli students is 4.21 indicating a more positive interest than the
attitude of Orang Asli students towards learning the topic of Malay Proverbs using the Rimba
Module. The Pearson correlation value (r) is 0.785 showing a strong relationship between
the attitude and interest of Orang Asli students towards learning the topic of Malay Proverbs
using the Rimba Module. Implications of the study to increase knowledge related to the
attitude and interest of Orang Asli students in Kuala Langat to find solutions related to the
problem of achievement of Orang Asli students in the mastery of Malay idioms. In conclusion, this study has an impact on the Orang Asli students in attracting interest and triggering a positive attitude in them to love Malay Proverbs in the classroom while upholding the Malay language as the national language.


Attitudes, interests, Malay Proverbs, Orang Asli students, Rimba Module




How to Cite

Saliza Sahli, & Norfaizah Abdul Jobar. (2024). Sikap Dan Minat Murid Orang Asli Terhadap Pembelajaran Peribahasa : Aplikasi Modul Rimba. Journal of Communication in Scientific Inquiry (JCSI), 5(1), 75–86.


