A Study on Brand Loyalty for Cosmetic Products among Female Customers in Belagavi City


  • Varun Jewargi Faculty of MBA Department, Jain College of Engineering, VTU University, Belagavi, India
  • Veerendrakumar M Narasalagi Faculty of MBA Department, Dr.P.G.Halakatti College of Engineering and Technology, Vijayapur, India
  • Ummi Naiemah Saraih Faculty of Applied and Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia


This research presents productive knowledge on the subject of the domain of brand loyalty for cosmetic items among female clients in the city of Belagavi in the Indian state of Karnataka. The purpose of this study is to investigate, in greater detail, a number of factors that influence the purchase of cosmetic items and the impact those factors have on deciding brand loyalty. Within the scope of this research project, six primary aspects of consumer brand loyalty were investigated. These aspects include things like the product's quality, its features and design, its brand name, the level of service it provides, its advertising and promotion, and its price. Six hypotheses were posed, and their plausibility was determined with the use of the SPSS software. A sample data set of 93 was drawn. Belagavi City residents who identified as female made up the study's population for the purpose of the research. The data collection process made use of a Likert scale with five points of differentiation. According to the findings of this research, each of the factors examined has a substantial impact on the level of brand loyalty exhibited by the participants in this study who are female. The researchers tested their hypothesis by using the p value in Chi-square, after having calculated the standard deviation and statistically analysing the prominence of factors that affect the purchase of cosmetic items. By conducting an in-depth investigation into the elements that influence consumers' preference for one cosmetic brand over another, the empirical study contributed a wealth of useful insights to the body of previously published research. In addition to this, it was found that roughly 62% of female customers spend less than र.1000 (approximately USD13.32) annually on cosmetics, and approximately 81% of customers prefer to buy foreign products when compared to local ones.


Brand Loyalty, Belagavi City, Cosmetic Products, Female Customers




How to Cite

Varun Jewargi, Veerendrakumar M Narasalagi, & Ummi Naiemah Saraih. (2024). A Study on Brand Loyalty for Cosmetic Products among Female Customers in Belagavi City. International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship (IJBT), 12(1), 45–54. Retrieved from https://ejournal.unimap.edu.my/index.php/ijbt/article/view/996


