Ergonomic Intervention Study Among Woodball Players


  • M. F. Abd Razak
  • A. H. Mazelan
  • S.A. Showkat Ali
  • S. Sudin


This paper proposed a feasibility study on the ergonomics intervention among the Woodball athletes. The objectives of this study are to identify the ergonomics risk factors that may cause harm to Woodball athlete by using the Initial Ergonomic Risk Assessment (ERA) and the Advanced ERA method. The ergonomic assessment of an athlete was focussed on the three different woodball exercises, namely the tee-off comprising of short tee-off, medium tee-off and long tee-off. The advanced ergonomic risk assessments were performed on the upper body part of an athlete such as the neck, shoulder, upper arm, hand or wrist and upper back by using the RULA employee assessment worksheet. Based on the findings and assessment done, the proper body posture is then proposed through the observation from the results of the initial and advanced ERA. A simulation using the Human Digital Modelling (HDM) was also performed to better analyse the ergonomic aspect of the selective body postures. The results of the simulation were then compared to the results of the RULA assessment. The improvised results from the RULA analysis were found to be able to reduce the ergonomics risk of the current and improvised posture. The improvised posture will be useful for future studies in order to obtain a more ideal body posture for the Woodball players.


Woodball, Musculoskeletal disorders, Awkward posture, Ergonomics




How to Cite

M. F. Abd Razak, A. H. Mazelan, S.A. Showkat Ali, & S. Sudin. (2024). Ergonomic Intervention Study Among Woodball Players. Malaysian Journal of Ergonomics (MJEr), 2, 50–63. Retrieved from


