Critical success factors of service learning in tertiary education: Challenge of online learning approach in Ergonomics Product Design Course
This study intent to investigate critical success factors of implementing online learning approach in ergonomics product design course embedding SULAM Project during COVID-19 pandemic. The first objectives are to interrogate suitable teaching approach implemented for PDET. Next is to assess students' satisfaction with the course in comparison to their grades after SULAM was embedded in SULAM in PBL component, as well as the impact of the pandemic on satisfaction levels. The third aims are to evaluate student perceived and experiences, as well as to discover relevant student recommendations that may be integrated into the next course offering. To achieve the study aims, a systematic literature review was conducted to investigate the current teaching and learning implementation in PDET course. OMR Forms and User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) were distributed to access students’ satisfaction and perceive experiencing in online learning approach. As a results, the course has been identified commonly deploys an inclusive design approach and integrating an interdisciplinary approach. However online learning and team cognition approach has been a significant change during COVID- 19 pandemic outbreak. This study extends significantly to the preparation of teaching and assessment techniques for future students, especially in unpredictable conditions such as pandemic and endemic scenarios, when lectures and students confronting various problems.